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Honeycomb activated carbon/charcoal
Honeycomb activated carbon/charcoal
Honeycomb activated carbon/charcoal
Honeycomb activated carbon/charcoal
Honeycomb activated carbon/charcoal
Honeycomb activated carbon/charcoal
Honeycomb activated carbon/charcoal
Honeycomb activated carbon/charcoal
Honeycomb activated carbon/charcoal
Honeycomb activated carbon use high-quality coal based activated carbon as raw material, with the bee die pressing, high-temperature activation firing to refine.
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Product Introduction
Honeycomb Description
Honeycomb activated carbon use high-quality coal based activated carbon as raw material, with the bee die pressing, high-temperature activation firing to refine.
Name Honeycomb activated carbon Feature Relatively large area, low resistance  
Material High-quality coal activated carbon Application Air pollution control
Processing bee die pressing, high-temperature activation Theory Honeycomb Activated Carbon Adsorption

Honeycomb Activated Carbon having a relatively large area, small through-hole resistance, developed micro porous , high adsorption capacity, long life and other characteristics. Widely used in air pollution. Selection honeycomb activated carbon adsorption, namely gas porous activated carbon having a large surface in contact with the exhaust gas pollutants are adsorbed decomposed, and thus play a purification.
Item No Honeycomb Activated Carbon
Main Ingredients Activated Carbon
Specification 50*50*100mm 
Pore Density 50-300 pore/in2
Bulk Density 0.3-0.45g/ml
Desorption Temperature < 120℃
Wind Speed 0.8m/s
Positive Compressive Strength >1.2 MPa
Rate of adsorption to benzene vapor > 36%
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